When you stop and think about an average household you would be surprised to find that most of them are ran with a mother and child. That leads to the question, "where is the father?" More over today we find that the father is either absent or a poor example to the child. What has caused a society to go from a patriarchcal to a matriarchal?
It has been said throughout history that the mother makes the religion but the father makes the tribe. This theory has held true through thousands of years. The statement could be taken in a sense that the father is only needed for procreation and nothing more. On the flip side, I have begun to see many families run only by the father without a mother present. These families have done just as well.
The Feast of the Patriarch is to show support to all the fathers who are there for their children and families. In times like today where divorce is high and stress is higher, we need to ensure that families have the emotional support to survive. We take much of the year to celebrate and pat the mother on the back. Perhaps just for the month of June the mothers would be willing to allow the father that same moment of "great job" that they are use to. It doesn't mean they aren't appreciated, just fathers are needed too.
Find time this month to say thank you to an active father. Congratulate him on being supportive to his family. This is all dad really wants in the end a thank you said with a sincere smile.
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