When you pray asking for miracles and they aren't answered you get discouraged. You begin to question GOD's existence. You even deny GOD any attention. But why should GOD help you? GOD doesn't truly know you.
Friday, July 30, 2010
If you don't believe, then why ask.
When you pray asking for miracles and they aren't answered you get discouraged. You begin to question GOD's existence. You even deny GOD any attention. But why should GOD help you? GOD doesn't truly know you.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The wrong doings of "Religious" men
We have seen in the last ten years alone the number of people speaking out irreverently about homosexuality being caught in their own traps. These confused and misled men and women caught on tape and photo performing same-sex acts. Their own disgrace is only exalted because of their hatred they first spewed.
The Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican church, and many others today are fighting this age old battle. I recently read an article about Pope Benedict XVI calling homosexuals to come out of the priesthood. Let me be clear, no human has a right to determine and force another's vocation. When did these so called religious leaders become GOD? What allowed these religious leaders to take such actions against the words of GOD?
We have been instructed time and time again to love each other; to treat each other as ourselves; and to understand the equality that all of us share. Where has these words gone in our current religious structures? All I seem to see is two large religious leaders dictating their way or get out. The messages of hatred that they share with their members is no better than the words Hitler shared to the Nazis.
Hitler shared a message of hatred towards different groups, but specifically the Jews. Pope Benedict XVI and his Anglican counterpart, are calling for hatred towards the homosexual community. Pope Benedict XVI has even gone one step further and continued to spread the hatred against women's vocation even. All I can say is, GOD must be so proud to have a bigot sitting on a man made throne, in a man made palace, telling HIS people who to hate.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Blind & Deaf
For the record, I do not mean the actual handicapped blind and deaf. I mean those who can see and hear but don't fully. They only see what they want and hear what they want. The Lord said, "Let those who have ears to hear, hear".
Today we have several people running around deaf and blind. They are blinded by hatred and long for injustice. They seek revenge instead of peace. They believe that their way is the only way and do not hear the advice of those around them.
I was reading a yahoo article about a recent Supreme Court case. The case disturbed me greatly. It is a case about a religious group picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers. Not just any fallen soldiers but ones who are not Christian and heterosexual. Isn't it bad enough for a parent, loved one, or child to have to see their family member dead? Now we have religious groups flashing signs that say stuff like, "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "You're Going to Hell".
This religious group has lost all sanctity for life, both living and dead. Funerals are just as much about the living as the dead. If they truly are believers of God shouldn't they be consoling the family instead of condemning their loved one?
Their website is filled with hatred and spews fragmented bible verses. I always love how if you take a few verses and only use a few words from each, that you can edit and destroy precious scriptures. Doing this twist doctrine to shape it to fit anything you want. I have noticed though it is always the people with messages of hate doing this, never a legitimate religious organization.
So if you "have ears to hear" and "eyes to see" be aware of how you are portrayed by your peers. We may not be God, but we too have a habit of judging.
I intentionally did not mention the name of the religious organization. I do not wish to promote them or add to their rage. I simply hope to allow others to see and hear what they personally could be doing to society as a whole.
Yours in Faith!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Feast of Union
Let there be no surprise that July to us is marked as the Feast of Union. Union of family and friends; Union of life in general, and Union of the Earth. July is known to be filled with weddings, celebrations, family reunions, fun picnics, and of course here in the United States, Independence Day.
We always encourage togetherness of family and friends, no matter the feast. July is one of those special months where no real pushing is needed. We as humans long to be among others when compelled by the Spirit to do so, and July has always been filled with that Spirit.
With that I say, back your bags with towels, swim wear, and good food. Then call all of your friends and family and have a day of Union with the full sun in the sky. Answer God's call to be with one another because you never know what tomorrow actually brings.
Feast of the Patriarch
When you stop and think about an average household you would be surprised to find that most of them are ran with a mother and child. That leads to the question, "where is the father?" More over today we find that the father is either absent or a poor example to the child. What has caused a society to go from a patriarchcal to a matriarchal?
It has been said throughout history that the mother makes the religion but the father makes the tribe. This theory has held true through thousands of years. The statement could be taken in a sense that the father is only needed for procreation and nothing more. On the flip side, I have begun to see many families run only by the father without a mother present. These families have done just as well.
The Feast of the Patriarch is to show support to all the fathers who are there for their children and families. In times like today where divorce is high and stress is higher, we need to ensure that families have the emotional support to survive. We take much of the year to celebrate and pat the mother on the back. Perhaps just for the month of June the mothers would be willing to allow the father that same moment of "great job" that they are use to. It doesn't mean they aren't appreciated, just fathers are needed too.
Find time this month to say thank you to an active father. Congratulate him on being supportive to his family. This is all dad really wants in the end a thank you said with a sincere smile.