Thursday, March 25, 2010

The radical changes we forgot

I want to take a moment to address something that concerns, no bothers, me. One of the most common things I hear is, "aren't you awfully young to be an Archbishop?". I respond with "no younger then John, Peter, Paul, or Jesus." I usually get a strange look at that point.

People tend to forget that Jesus was only 33 at most when crucified. Peter was the first Pope while being somewhere between 26-30 years of age. John was baptizing in the River Jordan before turning 30 years old. Paul was 34 when he converted to Christianity and in his early 40's when he began telling others what makes a good minister and bishop. Where does the old men come into play? Where did the women go that Jesus had appointed through Mary to lead? Jesus taught to rebel against the Jewish temple laws and to live a life devoted to God the Father.

Today, it has all been thrown to confusion with old men sitting on thrones telling younger men what to do. Women banned from standing at the pulpit or leading others like Mary once did. Forgiveness has become confused with a blind eye. And most importantly LOVE has been transformed to "not my problem, not my life". We are not practicing the true Christianity that Jesus taught some 2000 years ago. We are teaching a twisted form that has benefited those in power to remain and those without to be subservient to those who have.

We need to have that radical aspect back in our lives today to truly live a life that was taught to us. It isn't easy to love everyone. It isn't easy to be concerned for those around you in their times of need. We have generations of mistakes to correct but I'm confident that if we try others will try and that will be a great start for our children. Stand strong. Stand united. Mostly, stand with faith in what you believe.

Yours in Faith,
Archbishop Isaac L Kramer

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