Sunday, November 22, 2009

Feast of Thankful Giving

As we are fast approaching The Feast of Thankful Giving let us take a moment to recognize what is important in our lives. What blessings have we been given in the last year? November is the time of year to remember all that we have. Most of us only think this way on Thanksgiving. We spend the rest of the time whining about why we have nothing, but if we were to look we have much. We have a good health, a home, family, and friends.

If you happen to be missing any of these in your life I strongly recommend you take the time to evaluate what went wrong. We only lose our health by our own will. People with deadly diseases still find themselves to be healthy at times, why can't we?

If you lost your house there could be a number of reasons. What you must know is home is where your heart is. It doesn't matter if you lost your house. If you happen to move back with parents, a family member, or a friend, that is home. That is where you longed to be otherwise you wouldn't have picked them. You needed that person more then before at this moment in your life. They hold a key to help you heal and move forward into the new year.

If you find yourself with a home and good health but no friends, I can only ask why. Why do you have no friends? Is it because you are antisocial? Perhaps you ran everyone who had concerns for you away. Friends will always be your friend no matter how hard you push them out. They may take a leave, but deep down they still care and love for you. Maybe this year you should find the time to reach out and express your thanks to them for their love in a sincere manner. If they don't care for you, then they weren't your friend to begin with. Take the time to move on to the next one no matter how distant the time has been between conversations. You may find yourself surprised to see someone still cares.

The Feast of Thankful Giving goes far beyond that which we could fully understand. It encompasses the pure love of our maker as a whole. It is about extending our hearts past the full marker and knowing that we still have more of ourselves to give to others. I ask everyone this season to give. You don't have to give money or food or supplies. Your time and love is the greatest gift you could give anyone, including yourself. Find time and find love for those who have been in your heart and on your mind lately. Make this giving season a holiday to remember.

In the fullness of faith,

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