Sunday, April 4, 2010

He Was Risen 1,977 years ago

Today to celebrate Easter people around the world are saying not only Happy Easter but following it with "He is Risen". The general response to such a comment is "Truly He is Risen" or "He is Risen Indeed".

There is a fault in this comment though. Christ rose from the dead 1,977 years ago at Easter. He did not die on the cross just 3 days ago. We as a human race desire to feel a connection with things that are important to us. That is the reason why we replay the Passion every year. We want to believe that we were there and have a deeper connection to His pain and suffering. The point of the matter is, we weren't there.

When we say "He is Risen" we contradict Christs very deeds and words. He was crucified because of our sins and to expose them for future generations. He rose after 3 days to show that we too can rise back up when we are down. To say that "He is Risen" is to deny that He exist for 3 days of the year. Christ lives every day now since 33 A.D..

It is alright to want to feel a deeper connection, but remember that we today did not crucify Him. We today did not judge Him. Most importantly, we today live with Him and He lives with us. Think twice before you say "He is Risen" and deny His existence in your life for the last few days.

Yours in Faith,

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