Sunday, June 28, 2009

De-sanctifying God's House

I read the most appalling thing today. I have heard about it for over a week now, but I really just hoped that it was more talk with no action. I had hoped that divine wisdom would move them to realize the error of their thoughts, but it didn't happen that way.

As ministers our primary responsibility is to the safety and well-being of our congregation. We are to supply for them ways of growth on all levels, however more spiritual then anything else. We are to avoid political actions that can be construed as propaganda. We are to move about in a manner that should be viewed as leadership. Showing the way forward with our own responsible actions and deeds that are to be looked upon as moral, wise, just, and glorious. Somewhere along the line, several ministers seem to lose this concept.

This is more than true for Pastor Ken Pagano. He has intentionally, recklessly, and immorally De-sanctified the House of God today. God's house is a home to everyone where they can live without fear, prejudice, and find unconditional love and support. It is suppose to be the center of promoting peace and harmony with compassion for all. God's house is a strong-hold that should never be penetrated by outside influence and corruption. Today, this man who calls himself pastor violated all that by allowing guns in church.

They were not allowed to be loaded, but I wonder if the only reason for that was because insurance required it. His board and congregation paid $700.00 to insurance today alone to have this moment of blasphemy. This was his attempt to send a message about the second amendment of the constitution, the right to bear arms. I have a very loud and clear message to "Pastor" Ken Pagano and all others concerned with the constitution.

As ministers our job is to uphold the commandments of God, not the United States Constitution. Our vows, our duties, our loyalty is given to God first and the United States President and government second.

By wanting to send a message to government, you have instilled a belief of violence in God's House to others. You have gone against God's commandment of Love thy neighbor by show boating the use of military weaponry. You want to send a clear message, try a message of peace, love, and honor.

In Faith,

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