We must all take action today, because there could be no tomorrow to take action in. Each of us must open our eyes and look around us. Several countries are fighting the same battle, discrimination by color of skin.
Here in the U.S. we see a battle ground taking place in Arizona and New York. In Arizona the state has taken up arms against the very people who help stabilize their state, the Hispanic community. The Hispanic community in Arizona has existed for years. They have increased profit through the creation of new jobs, working while paying taxes, and spending their hard earned cash locally. There is no reason for Arizona to take such harsh actions against their longtime brothers and sisters, yet they do.
In New York the discrimination of skin is towards the Muslim community. There are good people wanting to help heal the 9/11 aftermath by building a house to GOD there. Though their house isn’t Christian, many view it as a sin or another possible terror plot. Here in the U.S. we are permitted freedom of religion, however there are many who believe that that freedom is only for Christians. I say this to them, cast your stones and see if Christ still stands beside you.
This is a prime example of what Christ was fighting for some 1,980 years ago. The Jewish High Priest were telling others that they were wrong if they didn’t believe in their GOD, their dogma, and their laws. Christ was teaching it doesn’t matter what name or how you worship as long as your intentions were pure and you followed the honor written. Where did those teachings go today? Instead we have Christians saying Christ said this and that but are misinterpreting his words for their own power and corruption.
If we are truly about freedom of religion, then we should allow a mosque to be built at ground zero. We should look past the color of their skin and say, welcome brother and sister.
In France we find for the second day them turning gypsies away and flying them out of their country. They are rounding them up and placing them on planes back to Romania. At least some of the people of France are willing to admit to discrimination due to skin color unlike the United States.
Has history taught us nothing? Was World War II fought and won in vain? Have we come to a point again where we believe that the actions Hilter took were okay, since it isn’t “me”?
Time and time again we have oppressed one another. Today we need to stand united and bravely say, “don’t treat my brother and sister that way again”. We need to acknowledge that everyone has equal rights and freedoms in this world, not just the privileged. Remember that those who are in power now could find themselves in the opposite position at any moment. We must unite and live today for one another.
Let us believe that there is no tomorrow to “try again”. Let us believe that right now is the “end of the world”. Let us believe that when we go to sleep that we will not wake up and have another chance. I believe that only then will we truly love one another and truly want to see each other benefit from all that we have around us. That is the greatest gift that we can give our fellow brothers and sisters. Our moment of success. Our moment of equal rights. Our love for this life. Be brave and live today because there is no tomorrow.